エルヴィス・プレスリーの「I WANT YOU,I NEED YOU,I LOVE YOU」のカバーを発表したいと思います。自信作ではないので、ブログではなく、ここを選びました^^;実は、BEATLESより、ELVISに魅力を感じるようになってきました。その理由は、一つは、敬虔なクリスチャンだったという事。(自分の聖書に、いっぱい書き込みを入れていたらしい)。もう一つは、ビートルズより、セクシーです!ビートルズの方がすごいと今までずっと思って来ましたが、この両者は、1人と4人ということもあり、また、歌ってる歌のジャンルも違いがあり、一概に比べられるものではありません。さて、カバーした「アイ・ウォント・ユー、アイ・ニード・ユー、アイ・ラブ・ユー」はエルヴィスがサン・レコードからRCAに移籍して、その第2弾シングルで、そんなに有名な感じではありませんが、ぼくが二十歳過ぎくらいに聴いて、いっぺんに好きになった曲です。さて、カバーですが、ボーカルはあまり、エルヴィスのように低いSEXYな声は出せませんでしたが、もともとぼくにあっている、声を持ったアーティストだと思います。障害があるせいで、今はうまくうたえないのです(><;)ちなみにこのバージョンは正規のものではなく、ELVIS Volume 2 ALEGENDRY PERFORMERと言うレコードに収められてるUNRELEASED alternate take Recorded September 5,1957というバージョンにほれ込み、それをカバーしたものです。With all myと言うところで、すごく声が高くなったり、「I Want You,I Need You・・・」ではなく、「 I Need You, I want You・・・」という順番で歌ったり、オリジナルテイクと違います。後、うまく、真似られませんでしたが、2回目の・・・Loving You Be eternally・・・というところの微妙な音程が素敵です(^^)/さて、このTOU TUBE何回もアップし直してます。なかなか、いいTAKEが、録れないからですが、今回はLIMITTER(リミッター)という機能を使って、友達に指摘されていた、音の割れも直りました。まずまずのテイクです^^ 生まれ変わったら、エルヴィスのようになるのが、夢です!!!(三島由紀夫もそう言ってます!)

では聴いて下さいm(_ _)m

Elvis I'd like to release Presley's cover of "I WANT YOU,I NEED YOU,I LOVE YOU". It wasn't self-confident work, so actually, the ^^; from which not a blog, but here was chosen was starting to feel charm in ELVIS more than BEATLES. Say that one of the reason was a pious Christian. (They seem to have kept writing in in the Holy Bible much.). Another is sexier than Beatles! They have thought the one of Beatles is wonderful all the while so far and have come, but there is also difference the genre of the song they're saying also are singing with 1 person and 4 people, and these both of them can't compare sweepingly. Now, it was covered, Elvis transfers the registration from St. record to RCA, and it doesn't seem so famous for the 2nd version single, but I hear about a little past twenty years old, and "eye want You and eye Need You and eye Love You" is the song I came to like at once. Now, it's a cover, SEXY where the vocal is so low like Elvis, a cry couldn't be raised, but I think an artist with voice which fits me originally. Because there is an obstacle, you can't sing well now (><;), by the way, this version was charmed by the version as ELVIS Volume 2 ALEGENDRY PERFORMER and UNRELEASED alternate take Recorded September 5,1957 which is put in the record I say, not something regular, and that was covered. I'm going to say With all my, and comes to have high pitched voice wonderfully, and "I Want You,I Need You... ", " I sing by order as I Need You, I want You..., and it's different from original take. Also, it was good and wasn't imitated, the subtle tune which is being almost talked about with Loving You Be eternally which is the 2nd time...... is nice (^^),/, now, this TOU TUBE is raised again many times. It was because good TAKE couldn't be recorded easily, but breakage of the sound pointed out to a friend was also corrected using the function as LIMITTER (limiter) this time. It's fairly good take, ^^ If it's reborn, it's a dream to start to be Elvis! (Yukio Mishima is saying so, too!)

Then, please hear,m(_ _)m 

          お聴きくださりありがとうございましたm(_ _)m


この、投稿に、何か感想、コメントが頂ければ、嬉しいです。よろしくお願いいたします。When this contribution can receive some reflections and comments, I'm happy. Thank you. m(_ _)m


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